
Nutriera was invited to attend the technology symposium of GIANT PRAWN 2017 and give presentations

PubDate:2017-04-02 Sources: Views:6331

The technology symposium of GIANT PRAWN 2017 which jointly organized by Thailand Fisheries & Vietnam Can Tho University and co-organized by WAS & NACA was held in AIT on 17th-24th of March 2017. More than 150 experts from 32 countries and regions of the whole world have attended this international symposium. Vice president Dr. Zhang Song, Technical General Manager Mr. Zhang Taizhuo and General Manager of International Business Division Mr. Dong Qiufen from Nutriera Group were invited to participate in this symposium and make specific reports.

Group photo

The symposium consists of two major parts. March 17-19th is about an international workshop for Macrobrachium rosenbergii seedling technology. The Technical General Manager Mr. Zhang Taizhuo of Nutriera Group made a report called Prawn Hatchery Technology in China, which have mainly shared the progress and technical key points about Macrobrachium rosenbergii in China with the international experts. The report brought them a positive and comprehensive understanding about the seedling technology of Chinese Macrobrachium rosenbergii.


The Technical General Manager Mr. Zhang Taizhuo of Nutriera was giving a lesson.

The international workshop

The host was offering a gift to Mr. Zhang Taizhuo.

March 20-24th is about the Symposium of Sustainable Development for Macrobrachium rosenbergii. The Vice president Dr. Zhang Song gave a presentation named the culture mode and technology of commercial feed formulation for Macrobrachium rosenbergii in China, which was the unique report for fully discussing the culturing pattern and formulation technology of Macrobrachium rosenbergii in this symposium. The development of Chinese Macrobrachium rosenbergii industry and the advanced & practical technology in Macrobrachium rosenbergii formulation of Nutriera have gained high praise from many international experts. They also discussed and consulted with Dr. Zhang Song when the presentation finished.

Dr. Zhang Song was invited to give a presentation.

The symposium at the scene.

Dr. Zhang Song (right) and Mr. Dong Qiufen attended the symposium.

Group photos with part of participants.


The Aquaculture Exhibition which held in the same period.

According to the FAO statistics, the global yield of Macrobrachium rosenbergii was 217,000 tons in 2014, of which China’s output reached to 125,000 tons, accounting for 57.6% of the whole production in the world. The Macrobrachium rosenbergii industry of China has long been into feeds, seedlings, culturing and processing industry chain while many other countries are still exploring the technology of Macrobrachium rosenbergii seedling. The symposium has attracted part of Chinese Macrobrachium rosenbergii enterprise representatives to attend, which including Porf. Yang Guoliang & Prof. Tang Qiongying of Huzhou University, Prof. Huang Xuxiong of Shanghai Ocean University and some other academic elites.

Nutriera has always been adhering to promote peer exchanges and improve industrial progress. In this symposium of 2017 global Macrobrachium rosenbergii technology, Dr. Zhang Song and Mr. Zhang Taizhuo have showed the latest information and technology of Macrobrachium rosenbergii industrial promotion in China through their presentations, which let Chinese voice be heard again by global aquaculture.

The experts of different countries were communicating with Dr. Zhang Song after the symposium.

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