
Nutriera experts were invited to attend the 7th International Feed Processing and Quality Control Technology Symposium

PubDate:2023-03-17 Sources: Views:12663

On 13-15 March, the 7th International Feed Processing and Quality Control Technology Symposium which organized by Feed Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and co-organized by Nutriera Group, was grandly held in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. With the theme of green and low-carbon circular economic, this symposium has invited many fisheries research institutions and enterprises of different industries to discuss the future smart agriculture towards low-carbon, such as raw materials and additives development, soybean reduction, diversified diets and unmanned factory, so as to help enterprises achieve low-carbon development goal. Dr. Zhang Song, Vice President of Nutriera Group was invited to chair the forum, and Mr. Peng Zhidong, Technical General Manager was invited to share a presentation.

The International Feed Processing and Quality Control Technology Symposium has been successfully held for 6 times since 2016, which is the largest, highest level and most influential international conference on feed processing technology in China. The Academician Mai Kangsen of Chinese Academy of Engineering, the Party Secretary Lu Jianzhong of Feed Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and China Chief Representative Zhang Xiaoping of U.S. Soybean Export Council attended the conference to deliver the opening speech. The Researcher Xue Min of Feed Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences presided over the opening ceremony.

the Party Secretary Lu Jianzhong, Feed Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

China Chief Representative Zhang Xiaoping, U.S. Soybean Export Council 

The presentation of Academician Mai Kangsen from Ocean University of China is entitled as the Supply and Coping Strategy of Aquatic Feed Ingredients. The presentation described the necessities, impacts and measures of fishmeal replacements. In addition, Academician Mai introduced the value and potential of non-fishmeal proteins such as single-cell protein, saying that they have low demand for land and played a key role in promoting the development of circular economy. He called for vigorously developing feed additives, because he believed that feed additives can obviously improve feed performance, promote animals’ growth and achieve high efficiency with low carbon emissions. Therefore, using feed additives is an important way of reducing carbon emissions.

 Academician Mai Kangsen, Ocean University of China

Researcher Xie Shouqi from Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences shared the report called the Preparation and Accurate Use of Aquatic Feed Diversified Diets- Taking Cottonseed Protein Concentrate as An Example. He pointed out that the aquatic feed development is facing difficulties under the new situation, neither with food and land, nor with people and food, but also with poultry and feed. So, it is of great significance to develop new non-food protein ingredients. The report presented the systematic research achievements of cottonseed protein concentrate, empathized the process of improving the restrict condition of cottonseed protein concentrate. Prof. Xie called on all sectors of the industry to jointly establish the carbon footprint database of feed ingredients to accurately understand the carbon footprint of all kinds of ingredients, so as to provide a solid foundation for the production of low-carbon feeds.

Researcher Xie Shouqi, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 

Researcher Xue Min of Feed Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences mentioned in her report “Processing Nutrition-the Impact on Fish Feeding, Digestion and Growth in Particle Processed Physical Characteristics” that there is a close connection between feed processing and animal nutrition. And she took a lead in putting forward the new concept of processing nutrition. The report demonstrated the impact of replacing fishmeal with cottonseed protein concentrate on improving physical quality of feed and the potential to reduce production energy consumption. At the same time, she said that the high hardness of feed has a low solubility rate in water will not affect the growth performance, so increasing the hardness of feed within a certain range can be used as one of the measures to reduce low carbon emissions.

Researcher Xue Min, Feed Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 

Peng Zhidong, Technical General Manager of Nutriera Group, pointed out in his report “the Road to Carbon Neutrality of Feed Enterprises” that the implementation of double carbon strategy must speed up the green aquaculture development. Aquatic feed enterprises shall focus on the industrialized feed production, research the emission reduction strategy from both upstream and downstream side, set the emission reduction as the goal to carry out technology innovation. Upstream side shall actively explore and select low carbon feed ingredients for production, midstream side shall innovate feed processing and formulation technology to find the way to meet the low energy consumption production and formulation program, such as developing environmental-friendly feed and additives. Downstream side shall greatly promote green and healthy aquaculture program to improve the utilization of nutrients and reduce waste discharge through comprehensive feed technology at the front end, and continuing to decompose and transform the emissions through animal farm-care products and technologies until they are reused by fish & shrimp.

Peng Zhidong, Technical General Manager of Nutriera Group

Dr. Zhang Song, Vice President of Nutriera Group presided over the forum of Nutrition Intervention for Aquatic Animal Health. The experts from academy and enterprises focused on the theme of glycolipid nutrition and health of aquatic animals, and had a heat discussion on the application prospects and challenges of high-sugar, high-fat feed in aquaculture.

Dr. Zhang Song, Vice President of Nutriera Group, presided over the forum

At the beginning when the national dual carbon strategy was put forward, Nutriera Group took a lead in organizing the world’s first carbon neutral and green aquaculture development forum to call for the industry peers to actively respond to the national policy and seize the precious development opportunity. Nutriera has consistently implemented the national strategy, focused on the nutrition farm-care concept to actively develop the measures and paths for carbon emission reduction. In the future, Nutriera will continue to actively explore to help industrial value innovation, and contribute to achieve national dual carbon goal with the industrial peers.

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