
Director of Asian Regional Artemia Reference Center visited Nutriera Group

PubDate:2021-07-30 Sources: Views:5088

On July 28th, Prof. Sui Liying, Vice President of Ocean and Environment College of Tianjin University of Science and Technology, as well as Director of Asian Regional Artemia Reference Center visited Nutriera Group. President of Nutriera Group Dr. Yang Yong, and Vice President Dr. Zhang Song led the technical team to organize a warm reception for Prof. Sui.

Prof. Sui shared a keynote report on “Nutritional Characteristics and Its Application in Aquaculture Nursery of Tibetan Artemia”, she gave a comprehensive introduction on resource distribution, species classification, related nutritional characteristics, application effect cases in grouper and white leg shrimp incubation of Tibetan Artemia. Prof. Sui also mentioned that the unique nature environment of Tibet Salt Lake guaranteed Shuanghu Artemia egg with a high-level content on polyunsaturated fatty acids (the content of EPA and DHA in Shuanghu Artemia egg are much higher than that of all the Artemia in other regions, such as Great Salt Lake, Ebinur Lake, Bohai Bay Salina, etc.,). Besides, Shuanghu Artemia eggs show advantages on high hatching rate (95%), no addition, no pollution and pathogen free, so as to be selected as premium bait for fish and crustacean seeds. It can significantly improve the survival rate, immune ability of aquaculture seeds, as well as the economic value of commercial fish by feeding Shuanghu Artemia eggs in fish incubation.

Prof. Sui’s wonderful report ignited the enthusiasm of Nutriera R&D team, all the participants actively joined the question & answer session, and involved in deep exchange with Prof. Sui on the topics of physiological characteristics of Artemia and its application in aquaculture.

After the communication, Dr. Yang showed his appreciate to Prof. Sui for taking her precious time to communicate with Nutriera team and expressed his strong interest in the application of Shuanghu Artemia eggs in aquaculture. We look forward to more exchanges and cooperation between Nutriera and Asian Regional Artemia Reference Center on the promotion and transformation of excellent scientific and technological achievements in the world.

It is reported that Prof. Sui’s visit to Guangdong this time is mainly to participate in the “Fair Meeting of Tibetan Shuanghu Artemia Egg Supply and Demand”, this activity is under the guidance of the National Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau of Fisheries, Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Guangdong Province, and sponsored by Guangdong Aquatic Products Flow and Processing Association. Prof. Sui will make a keynote report at this conference. This time, Prof. Sui visited Nutriera Group in advance for technical exchange. 

Nutriera Group has been always paying high attention on the exchanges and communication with first-class local and overseas scientific research institutes, and has already organized “Expert Lecture Hall” for many times. We invite experts from the top scientific institutes in aquaculture industry to lecture the latest research achievements in the world, and build an efficient communication & cooperation platform for the popularization and transformation of advanced technology in aquaculture industry, in order to promote the rapid progress of aquaculture industry.

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