
Senior Executives of Louis Dreyfus Company Visited Nutriera Group

PubDate:2020-11-25 Sources: Views:5937

On November 24, Senior Executives from Louis Dreyfus Company, including Mr. Zhou Xuejun, Chief Executive Officer of Asia Pacific Region, Mr. Chen Jiayuan, Chief Executive Officer of North Asia Region, Mr. Cai Nanhan, Industrial Director of Asia Region, Ms. Zhao Ming, Director of Business Development and Investment of North Asia Region, visited Nutriera Group. Dr. Yang Yong, President of Nutriera Group, and Dr. Zhang Song, Vice President, led the top management team to warmly receive the guests.

Photo of attendees

Ms. He Fen, Director of Quality Management and Human Resources of Nutriera Group, introduced the business model, service system and development status of Nutriera Group in detail.

Dr. Zhang Song shared a report entitled Development Trend of Raw Materials of Aquafeed. He pointed out that the consumption upgrading of residents will accelerate the development of high value-added specialty feeds and drive the demand for animal protein. But at the same time, the aquafeed industry is facing stricter supervision of environmental protection policy, which requires aquafeed to be high-efficiency and low-pollution. It can be achieved through using water conditioners and preprocessing raw materials like fermentation, enzymolysis and puffing, etc.

In the report of Changes, Challenges and Opportunities in the Aquafeed Industry Under the New Situation, Dr. Yang Yong showed a mass of data and information to demonstrate that the aquaculture is a sunrise industry and worth investing, which gave the guests great confidence. Aquaculture industry is undergoing a structural change from quantity to quality, and upgrading and transformation are imminent. Under this development trend, there is a good opportunity for aquatic product processing. He emphasized that the current development of aquafeed must attach great importance to product structure upgrading, vigorously develop functional feeds and fermented feeds, and actively support the use of aquatic farm care products as well. 

Team members of Nutriera Group were presenting reports

After the reports, the two parties conducted further discussions. Mr. Zhou Xuejun said that through the reports given by team members of Nutriera Group, the Louis Dreyfus team had a more in-depth and systematic understanding of the current situation and development trend of the aquaculture industry, which was a great inspiration for Louis Dreyfus in the layout of aquafeed raw materials and industrial chain.

Mr. Du Hongbing, Deputy Director of Production Management of Nutriera Group, 

was introducing the operation of premix plant

Ms. Liu Jiajia, Manager of Quality and Technical Service of Nutriera Group, was introducing the R&D center

In the afternoon, Dr. Zhang Song accompanied the guests to visit Nutriera Industrial Park and experimental base, introducing the production of the industrial park, R&D process and planning, projects and operation mode of experimental base.

Experimental base

Mr. Wang Yaohua, Director of R&D Center of Nutriera Group, was introducing experimental projects

After a one-day visit and communication, Mr. Zhou Xuejun spoke highly of the technology research and development strength and professional service of Nutriera Group, and hoped that the two parties will strengthen communication and cooperation in the future and leverage strengths in the aquaculture industry to jointly write a new chapter.

Group photo in Nutriera Industrial Park

Extending reading

Louis Dreyfus Company, founded in 1851, is a leading merchant and processor of agricultural goods. It leverages its global reach and extensive asset network to serve consumers around the world safely, responsibly and reliably. Louis Dreyfus Company is active in over 100 countries with 6 geographical regions, covering 8 business lines, and employs approximately 18,000 people globally. It helps feed and clothe some 500 million people every year by processing and transporting about 80 million tons of products. The 2019 financial report shows that the company's net sales are US$33.6 billion. In the future, it will focus on promoting business transformation and seeking sustainable development in the global industrial chain.

Since the first cotton trade with China in 1973, Louis Dreyfus Company has been at the forefront of global trade with China. In 2005, it became the first wholly foreign-owned trading company that can engage in agricultural trade in China. So far, Louis Dreyfus Company has a trade history of nearly 50 years in China, and its business lines cover grains & oilseeds, rice, coffee, cotton, sugar and juice. China has always been one of the most important markets for Louis Dreyfus Company. It employs almost 1,000 people in China, and possesses a dozen offices and assets with business all over China.

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