
The Aquafeed Senior Nutritionist Practical Training Course “Elite Class” was successfully held in Guangzhou

PubDate:2019-10-01 Sources: Views:5634

The 1st Aquafeed Senior Nutritionist Practical Training Course “Elite Class” was successfully held in Guangzhou on 24~28 September 2019. The training course was organized by Guangzhou FishCloud and 32 entrepreneurs and technical elites of aquafeed enterprises from Malaysia and more than 10 provinces of China attended it.

FishCloud fully links with the global top academic professors and practical experts to share decades of accumulated aquafeed formulation technology with the industry, which is aiming to cultivate and develop technical talents for aquafeed industry.

Prof. Shiau Shi-yen of Taiwan Ocean University, is a co-author of Nutrient Requirement of Fish and Shrimp (NRC, 2011), came to Guangzhou and gave lessons for the training course. He prepared two elaborate lessons, which named The Basic Nutrition Theory That Aquafeed Nutritionists Must Know and How to Scientifically Design and Implement Aqua Animal Nutrition Experiments. He not only introduced some basic knowledge of fish and shrimp nutrition which was necessary for nutritionists, but also systemically taught the professional requirements for the design and implementation of fish and shrimp nutrition experiments. His lectures let the trainees broaden their horizons, and lay the most professional foundation of becoming excellent nutritionists for them.

During the session of face-to-face with industry experts, FishCloud has specially invited Dr. Zhang Haitao, Vice President of Research Institute of Guangdong Evergreen Feed and Dr. Bai Shijun, Technical Director of Zhonghai Aqua Technology to present. They are the top experts of aquaculture industry. They shared their personal career life feelings and valuable experiences of becoming industry technical experts from freshmen, as well as detailed explanations to the questions raised by the trainees.

Mr. Zhang Hao, R&D and Technical Service Manager of China Region of Phileo-by Lesaffre gave a lecture entitled Quality Identification of Yeast Products and its Application in Aquafeeds. He made detailed introduction about the yeast product species, manufacturing methods, quality control and their application cases in aquafeeds. In addition, he displayed the unique flavor of yeast hydrobiology during the lecture.

Mr. Mi Changyu, Senior Engineer of FANSUM, shared a course named the Processing Characteristics of Different Types of Feeds and the Key Points of Formula and Process Coordination. His course introduced the manufacturing procedure and process characteristics of 5 types aqua feeds in detail, and focused on analyzing the key points of efficient coordination between feed formula design and process. The course showed that the efficient combination of formula and process was not just a technology but also an art.

President of Nutriera Group Dr. Yang Yong, shared a presentation entitled the Thinking Mode of an Excellent Aquafeed Nutritionist. By combining with his own experience and perceptions of transforming from a nutritionist to a CEO, Dr. Yang Yong emphasized the importance of thinking patterns. He pointed the importance of attitude and action. Correct three working attitudes were the preconditions for shaping the three-level thinking. Once firmly establishing the three-level thinking pattern, the relevant three-level ability will be showed in the job.

The course title of Dr. Zhang Song, Vice President of Nutriera Group was called Fish Digestive Physiology and its Application in Commercial Formulation. Combined with manufacturing practices, he described the digestive characteristics of aquatic animals with different species and different diets, and the key points of corresponding feed formula design. Besides, the study of fish digestive physiology has provided important basis for developing new species of feeds. During the course, Dr. Zhang Song took 2 new aquaculture species as examples to conduct practical training and summarized the procedure of developing new species of feeds.

General Manager of Guangzhou MVPro Co,. Ltd, Mr. Wang Xin made an introduction for the global origin, source and quality of animal proteins such as fish meal and other animal protein ingredients for aquafeeds.

Mr. Zhang Taizhuo, Deputy General Manager of Nutriera Group, presented a course entitled the Value Evaluation and Selection for Primary Ingredients of Aquafeeds. He explained the method of evaluating the value for primary ingredients of aquafeeds. Not only from the nutrition side, but also based on practical production and management to introduce how to evaluate of ingredients, then to select the feed ingredients in a scientific and reasonable way.  

During the practical training session, Mr. Zhang Taizhuo presented the practical formula software and ingredient database in detail. He also introduced the key points of aquafeed formula design.

Mr. Peng Zhidong, Technical General Manger of Nutriera Group, gave a course named The Value Recognition and Quality Identification for Micro-nutrition Elements of Aquatic Animals. His course aimed to telling the trainees that the dosage of micro-nutrition elements is small but not simple. They all have their own functions, which must not be ignored in the design of aquafeed formulation.

Mr. Peng Zhidong, also gave another course with the topic of Nutritional Characteristics of High-end Aquaculture Species and Formula Design of Commercial Feeds. He introduced the high-end aquafeed formula in detail and pointed out its technical key points by taking the high-end aquaculture species as examples, such as large-mouth bass, golden pompano and yellow croaker.

Ms. He Fen, Q&C Director of Nutriera Group, introduced the course of Quickly Identify the Quality of Aquatic Protein Ingredients. Her presentation to show that the microscopy method was a high-efficient way to check the aquatic protein ingredients, based on the comprehensive evaluation of practicability, accuracy and convenience.

Mr. Zeng Mengzhao, Technical Director of Nutriera Group, brought a course with the title of Nutritional Characteristics of Regular Aquaculture Species and Formula Design of Commercial Feeds. He took grass carp, common carp, tilapia and other related primary freshwater species as examples to systematically analyze the commercial formula design methods and key points for these kinds of species.  

Mr. Liu Ming, Technical Director of Nutriera Group, presented the course with the name of Crustaceans Nutrition Characteristics and Commercial Feed Formula Design. By taking the Penaeus Vannamei as an example, he made in-depth analysis about the nutrition formula system of crustaceans. At the same time, he introduced the formulation specificity of crayfish and Eriocheir sinensis in detail.

Mr. Wang Yaohua, Technical Director of Nutriera Group, shared his course entitled Nutritional Characteristics of Catfish Fish and Commercial Feed Formula Design and The Formula Design of Aquafeeds under Different Aquaculture Modes. When designing the formulation for catfish fish, besides the basic nutrition requirements, fish coloration and farming modes also should be considered.

Mr. Xiao Jianguang, deputy Technical General Manager of Nutriera Group presented a report entitled the Nutritional Characteristics of Frogs and Commercial Formula Design. His report was humorous, interactive and comprehensive to show the knowledge and experiences of frog feed formulation.

In addition to improving formula technology, nutritionists also need to strength their integrated skills. Mr. Wangxin, General Manager of MVPro, introduced How do Aquafeed Nutritionists Collaborate Effectively Across Different Departments. He emphasized that nutritionist should be carefully observed at the perspective of operators, combined with QC, sales, production and procurement to improve operating efficiency of enterprises and working performance of nutritionists.

Mr. Tang Wubin, deputy Technical General Manager of Nutriera Group shared a course entitled How to Achieve the Absolute Control of Aquafeed Performance. He delivered the secret of product quality guarantee to the trainees by integrating years of technology accumulation of Nutriera teams.

Dr. Zhang Song, vice President of Nutriera Group shared the last part of the course, entitled The Secret of Quickly and Effectively Dealing with Quality Complaint of Aquafeed. Now that the product quality complaints are unavoidable, we have to face positively. He explained two main principles, three key points and four processes for handling product quality complaints effectively in detail. As long as we practice what we learn, we will turn crises into opportunities.

The Aquafeed Nutritionist Practical Training Course is going to be continued. FishCloud is building a first-class learning platform for aquafeed nutritionists. 

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