
Nutriea Experts Were Invited to Myanmar Fishery Focus (MFF) 2018 and Gave A Keynote Presentation

PubDate:2018-11-04 Sources: Views:5343

The Myanmar Fishery Focus (MFF) Conference 2018 was grandly held in Yangon on 1st-3rd Nov, 2018. Mr. Dong Qiufen, the International Business Director of Nutriera Group was invited to attend the conference and gave keynote speeches.

The conference was co-held by Myanmar Livestock & Fishery Journal, Myanmar Fisheries Federation (MFF) and World Aquaculture Society (WAS). Some experts from China, Thailand, Vietnam, USA and Lebanon were invited to this conference for presentation and communication. There were more than 250 participants attended this conference, they came from different aspects of aquatic breeding, farming, feed, processing and export, and also officials and teachers and students from government agencies, universities and research institutions.

The Chairman of MFF U Htay Myint, Vice Presidents of MFF Dr. Toe Nandar Tin and Dr. SOE TUN, and Deputy Speaker of Yangon Region Hluttaw U Lin Naing Myint, Secretary of Agriculture Livestock and Fishery Development Committee Dr. WIN MYINT and other officers attended the conference. More than 10 Myanmar's famous media were invited to report the conference.

Both U LIN NAING MYINT and Dr. WIN MYINT gave opening speeches at the conference opening ceremony. They said that the Myanmar aquaculture has developed fast in the past few years, but its growth is still slow compared to the countries nearby. As the international seafood market is changing and the Myanmar economy has been re-starting with quick development, there are a lot of good chances for Myanmar aquaculture. With more international cooperation and communication about aquaculture, we can get some new farming concepts and new technologies, and it should be beneficial to the farmers and the whole Myanmar aquaculture industry. The MFF 2018 conference is a good chance for further communication with experts from Myanmar and foreign countries, it also should be helpful to push the sustainable aquaculture development in Myanmar.

During this 3-days conference, there were 16 presentations, which included seed, feed, farming, processing and export. Mr. Dong Qiufen, the International Business Director of Nutriera Group gave a presentation named “China Market and Myanmar Aquaculture”, by the latest statistical data, information and photos, Mr. Dong shared the current situations about Chinese social development, aquaculture and seafood consumption, and he also gave relevant suggestions on Myanmar aquaculture with detailed analyses. The systematic solutions included: enhancing export, diversifying farmed species, increasing farmed fishes’ economic values, improving farm models, promoting commercial feeds, using proboscis and bettering the seeds. Attendees got important information about Chinese seafood market potentials and the big chances in Myanmar aquaculture industry. 

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