
Nutriera experts published several technical articles in the international journals to promote the new development of Chinese aquatic products

PubDate:2018-10-19 Sources: Views:5503

    In October 2018. Nutriera Group experts published an article entitled "Intensive Pond Aquaculture in China" on “INTERNATIONAL AQUA FEED”. It introduced the Intensive Pond Aquaculture (IPA) model and technology of Chinese aquatic products to the world. This is the third technical article from Nutriera experts recently, the two previous articles entitled "Black-spotted Frog Commercial Farming in China" and "Farming the Crayfish in China" were published in "INTERNATIONAL AQUA FEED" and another aquatic journal "AQUACULTURE ASIA PACIFIC". In addition, another article named “A High Production Model of Shrimp Farming in South China” will be published by an Indian aquatic journal "Aquaculture Outlook". These articles introduce the new developments and new technologies of Chinese aquatic products from different perspectives and topics.

    According to the State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture released by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in 2018, China is the world's largest aquaculture country. In 2016, the total amount of farmed aquatic products was 66.81 million tons, about 70% of the total volume worldwide. The estimated production in 2030 will reach 79.13 million tons.

    At the same time, the global population has exceeded 7 billion in 2018, and it may be 9 billion by 2050. People regard food as their prime want. Who can fulfill the huge population that continues to grow on the planet? This has become a serious challenge for governments. Aquaculture is currently the most efficient, global friendly and fastest-growing food production method. China's booming aquaculture industry has made outstanding contributions to the world's efforts to eliminate hunger and ensure food safety.

    Nowadays, driven by the general trends of consumption upgrading, environmental friendly, high quality and efficient production methods, China is going to make its aquaculture industry catch up with and surpass over the international advanced levels.

    More and more Chinese scientists are active in the frontiers of aquatic research and share their latest research results world widely. In June of 2018, the book “Aquaculture in China: Success Stories and Modern Trends” --- published by the academicians Gui Jianfang and Tang Qisheng, etc, pulished by the academic journal publishing group Wiley-Blackwell. It shows the story and development trends of China's development of aquaculture by comprehensive and detailed introduction.

   Nutriera Group currently has operations in more than 20 countries around the world, and has established close cooperation with many partners around the world. While promoting China's quality products and advanced technologies to the world, experts from Nutriera are also often invited to participate in various international conferences and give keynote presentations. They have also written technical articles for many international journals to introduce new aquaculture development in China.

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