
Nutriera Group was invited to attend the launch event of “Aquaculture in China”

PubDate:2018-06-15 Sources: Views:6807

On 12th June 2018, the launch event of the book Aquaculture in China: Success Stories and Modern Trends, which published by a global famous publisher named Wiley-Blackwell was grandly held at the Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. As one of the contributors to this sound aquaculture book, Nutriera Group was invited to attend the launch event.

This book was edited by 5 major editors and 121 authors which including Prof. Gui Jianfang (Academician from Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Prof. Tang Qisheng (Academician from Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences), Prof. Li Zhongjie and Prof. Liu Jiashou (Researchers from Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Dr. Sena S. De Silva from Deakin University of Australia.

Nearly 300 leaders, scholars and student representatives from more than 10 government departments and research institutes (Fisheries and Fisheries Administration Bureau of the State Agricultural and Rural Ministry, China Society of Fisheries, National Aquatic Technology Extension Station, Hubei Fisheries Bureau, World Wide Fund for Nature, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Central China Agricultural University, Southern China Agricultural University, Shanghai Ocean University) have attended this launch event.

The conference was hosted by Prof. Xie Shouqi, the deputy Secretary of the Party Committee & deputy Director of Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. And Prof. Yin Zhan, the deputy Director of Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences made a welcome speech. Mr. Zhang Xianliang, Director General of the Fisheries Bureau under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Mr. Zhang Wen, deputy Stationmaster of National Aquatic Technology Extension Station, Prof. Deng Wei, deputy Dean of Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences and Prof. Lei Gang, Wuhan office Director & chief scientist of freshwater project from WFF, gave important addresses at the launch event. They fully recognized the huge contributions of Chinese aquaculture to the global food safety.

Prof. Tang Qisheng, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, made a keynote speech named Green Development and Fisheries Future by using solid research data, which showed that Chinese aquaculture is sustainable, ecological and healthy.

In the keynote presentation Species Story About Prussian carp and Carassius Auratus Givelio, Prof. Gui Jianfang, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, shared experiences about how breeding technology pushes Chinese aquaculture forward.

One of the chief editors of this book Prof. Liu Jiashou from Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences addressed the meeting on behalf of Dr. Sena S. De Silva from Australia Deakin University who was sick and unable to attend.

Another member of the book’s editor Prof. Li Zhongjie also from Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences introduced the story behind the publication of this book. The original concept of publishing this book originated in 2008. It took nearly 10 years to accomplish such a great masterpiece which covered the full range introduction of Chinese Aquaculture after going through several seminars and overcoming all kinds of difficulties.

The book has more than 150 editors and 121 authors which including researchers from the Ministry of Agriculture and Education, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute and other research institutes, universities and colleges as well as the technicians. Among them, the Chairman Dr. Yang Yong and vice Chairman Dr. Zhang Song of Nutriera Group joined the compilation for the chapter of Feed Developments in Freshwater Aquaculture, which has made an overall introduction of the scientific & technological achievements and the future development trends of Chinese Aqua feeds to the whole world.

Aquaculture in China: Success Stories and Modern Trends is published in English and has more than 700 pages. It provides an objective, comprehensive and detailed description about the successful stories and development trends of developing aquaculture in China. The book consists of 8 parts and gives professional and thorough introduction from the aspects of the development achievements of Chinese aquaculture, the practical breeding of traditional culture species, the emerging breeding species, the introduction of breeding species, the development of aqua feeds, genetic breeding & seedling industry, the environmental protection, development strategies and prospects of aquaculture. It is a good reference book for the staffs, managers and decision-makers of aquaculture industry as well as the students of related aquaculture majors in universities.

The participating experts and scholars highly praised the publication of this book. It systematically summarizes Chinese professional culturing knowledge & development experience and presents the marvelous achievements of aquaculture in China as well as the contributions to the whole world, which is of great reference and value for the global aquaculture industry and will definitely bring a profound impact to the whole world.

Nutriera has been actively expanding international markets and providing quality products as well as professional services since its establishment.

Nowadays in the academy field, more and more Chinese scientists of aquaculture are moving toward the center of the world’s scientific and technological arena to share their leading achievements and innovative research perspectives.

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