
Nutriera group was invited to attend APA 18 and gave speeches

PubDate:2018-04-27 Sources: Views:6110

The grand “Asian-Pacific Aquaculture 2018”(APA 18) was held in Taipei International Convention Center (TICC), 23 – 26, April. Technical experts from Nutriera group attended it and gave 2 presentations.

It was organized by World Aquaculture Society – Asian Pacific Chapter and hosted by National Taiwan Ocean University. This session was focused by industry practitioner. Opening Ceremony was held by Academician I-Chiu Liao of Academia Sinica, President Ching-Fong Chang of National Taiwan Ocean University, Director-General Hong-Yen Huang of Fisheries Agency-Concil of Agriculture and President Gulilaume Drillet of World Aquaculture Society – Asian Pacific Chapter.

Opening Cremony & Plenary

Left to Right:I-Chiu Liao, Ching-Fong Chang, Hong-Yen Huang and Gulilaume Drillet

Theme of APA 18 is “Innovation For Aquaculture Sustainability and Food Safety”. It contains exhibits and presentations. For exhibits part, there are over 100 enterprises, associations and institutes as exhibitors came from over 30 countries and regions. Presentations always became the role of session. Apart from 2 speeches “Introduction to the conference theme ‘aquaculture innovation, sustainability and food safety’” and “New insights in microbial management to make intensive aquaculture more sustainable”, parallel sessions were set according to different theme such as “Aquafeed: Nutrition”, “Functional Feed”, “Shrimp culture” and so on. There were over 2,000 participants from all over the world.

Participants in lobby

Bustling exhibition

General manager of Nutriera oversea department, Qiufen Dong shared his brilliant prestentation “Key points of controlling the fish body coloration” with peers from all over the world. Achievements of coloration for different cultured species from Chian, Southeast Asian and South Asia was reported via real data and pictures. This speech analysised the factors and mechanisms of coloration for fish, and provied solutions of adjusiting color by formulated feed. Listeners gave good evalution and took photos during presentation, and consulted solutions of coloration for cultured pangasius, tilapia and sea bass.

General manager of Nutriera Oversea Department, Qiufen Dong is giving speech

Technical manager of Nutriera Asian Pacific Region, Bingyan Lu reported his speech “Key points of commercial feed formulation for Asian sea bass in China”. Asian sea bass was a potential cultured species in southeast Asia and south Asia, limited by technology of feed and offspring. Manager Lu shared culture situation and feed technology of cultured sea bass in China, analyzed key points of commercial feed for Asian sea bass especially for design of feed, physical quality improvement and liver health care. Many questions from different counties were raised and answered warmly and patiently by Nutriera expert

Nutriera expert Bingyan Lu is giving his speech

Nutriera experts had discussion and communication with specialists from all over world during session. They both shared experiences and intelligence of aquaculture in China and learned advanced technology and achievement from the world.


 Photo with Academician I-Chiu Liao of Academia Sinica

Photo with Prof. Shi-Yen Shiau



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