Product introduction of ProMoult
PubDate:2022-03-16 Author: Sources: Views:4434

Main Ingredients

Organic calcium, magnesium sulphate, chitin, etc.


Supplement essential minerals.

Promote regular molting and shell hardening.

Directions For Use

Use 250-400 g/1000 m³ water, sprinkle in the pond evenly after mixing with water, run the aerators at the same time.

Use regularly one time per 7 days, before or after extensive molting time.

Better to apply at around 5 pm for regular use, use as soon as possible when facing molting problem.


1. Shrimp farm in India, 2019 

After treatment, the shrimp shell changed from being dark and rough to glossy and clean.

2. Shrimp farm in Vietnam, 2020

Before treatment, the shrimp's shell was flexible and its body color was pale; after two treatments, the shrimp's shell hardened and its color changed to a vivid red.

3. Shrimp farm in Vietnam, 2021

There was lots soft dead shrimp on the tray, the amount of soft dead shrimp was controlled soon after treatment.